The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite has a pyramidal structure, being led by the Sovereign Grand Commander, the Most Powerful and Illustrious Brother Stelian ...
Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree
The jurisdiction of this Supreme Council includes all the territories over which the governing power of Romania is exercised. The 33rd and Last Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite receives only Masonic Masters, in good standing, members of the Grand National Lodge of Romania.
Each county or area under the general jurisdiction belonging to the Supreme Council of Grade 33 and Ultimate is hereby declared an Orient in itself, distinct, unless the Supreme Council decides otherwise.
Dignitaries in the 33rd and Last Supreme Council are:
1. The Sovereign Grand Commander - The Most Powerful and Illustrious Brother Stelian Nistor 33
2. Lieutenant Grand Commander
3. The Grand Prior
4. The Grand Chancellor
5. The Grand Minister of State
6. The Secretary General
7. The Grand Treasurer General
8. The Great Hospitaller
9. Great Chaplain
About us
Territorial organization of the Supreme Council of the RSAA
The territorial organization of the Supreme Council of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Romania classified by ritual bodies is as follows: Lodges of Perfection: - Alba Iulia: Aegidia - Arad: ...