We have promised that we will walk together on the path of dignity, honor, and pride in being a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania. We promised that this was the only way we could have the chance to join the gallery of honor opened by our illustrious forerunners. The chance to become ourselves "forerunners" for those who will inherit from us, at the end of our work, a strong Scottish Rite, respected, admired and, why not… envied! The measure of the fulfillment of the promises we have made is given by our deeds. Otherwise, only words would remain… On March 25 and 26, 2017, the Session of the Supreme Council and the National Session of the Subordinate Ritual Bodies took place in Bucharest.
The event was attended by more than 600 representatives of the Kadosh Perfection Lodges, Chapters and Councils from all over the country, as well as four delegations from abroad.
We initiated in the 4th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania 83 Romanian Masonic Masters, regular members of MLNR, (the largest number of candidates in a single session in the last 24 years) as well as Brothers from abroad .
In the Session of the Supreme Council of Romania we began the process of inaugurating the first Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the history of the Principality of Monaco.
The Supreme Council of the RSAA in Romania initiated in the 4th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite and awarded the degrees 14 °, 18 °, 30 °, 31 ° and 32 ° to a number of 11 Brothers, regular members of the Grand National Lodge Regulation of the Principality of Monaco, including Grand Master Jean Pierre Pastor
On March 26, 2017, the Supreme Council of Romania consecrated the first Perfection Lodge in the Principality of Monaco ("La Porte Rouge" no. 1), together with two other Perfection Lodges in Romania ("A Roca" in Cluj and "Jean Pangal" from Bucharest).
In memory of the day of the Inauguration of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Monaco, the Perfection Lodge in Cluj was named "A Roca", a name suggested at our request by the brothers in Monaco.
The second Lodge of Perfection in Romania, consecrated on the same day, was the one called "Jean Pangal", the name of the one who was Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Romania between 1922-1937 and 1944-1948.
Following the consecration of the above-mentioned Lodges of Perfection, the Supreme Council of Romania inaugurated the Rosa Croce Chapter of the Principality of Monaco, “La Misericorde” no. 1.
The Supreme Council of Romania will oversee and guide the work of the newly consecrated Lodge of Perfection and Chapter of the Rosicrucian Chapter of the Principality of Monaco, and will decide in the future, in accordance with the Statute and Grand Constitutions of the Scottish Rite, the agenda for the next Workshops (Kadosh Council and Consistory) as well as the Supreme Council.
The session of the Supreme Council continued the process of inaugurating the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan a few years ago, awarding degrees to regular members of the Grand National Lodge of Azerbaijan.
Also, this year we will complete the inauguration process of the Supreme Council of the RSAA in Azerbaijan, given that the fair and perfect number of Brothers in the Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan are members of the Supreme Council of Romania or other Supreme Councils in the world, since good for 5 years.
The Supreme Council of Germany was represented by Il. Brother Florin Niculescu, 33rd, who, at the beginning of the month, in Frankfurt, received the accreditation of Grand Representative of the Supreme Court of Romania in the Supreme Court of Germany. At the same time, Il. Brother Manole Iosiper, 33 °, received the accreditation of Grand Representative of the Supreme Court of Germany in the Supreme Court of Romania.
The delegation of the Supreme Council of Greece was present at our March 25 and 26, 2017 Proceedings with a historic premiere: three Sovereigns of the Supreme Greek of Greece together! On their National Day, the Greeks have chosen to honor us with their presence! PP and IL Brother Nikolaos Kilakos, 33 °, Sovereign Grand Commander in the chair and the two past SMCs, PP and IL Brother Spyros Camalakis, 33 ° aged 78 and PP and IL. Brother Christ Maneas, 33 °, 92 years old! All three received the diploma of Sovereign Emeritus of Honor of the SC of the RSAA in Romania.
The Session of the Supreme Council was attended by the Honorary Guest and Grand Master of the Grand National Lodge of Romania, Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Grand Regular Masonic Lodges, Most Reverend Brother Radu Bălănescu. The illustrious Brother Radu Bălănescu, 33 °, is responsible for the arrival of the Brothers from Monaco and for this he was decorated with the Order of Andrei Mureșanu. The same high distinction was awarded to His Eminence Brother Jean-Pierre Pastor, Grand Master of the Grand Regular Lodge of the Principality of Monaco.
In recognition of the way the Scottish Rite developed international Masonic relations, such as obtaining the right to hold the Conference of Sovereign Commanders of Europe and Associated Countries, inaugurating the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in the Principality of Monaco, preparing for the inauguration of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan, etc. , The Grand Master awarded to the Sovereign Grand Commander the Class I Diplomatic Masonic Merit of the Grand National Lodge of Romania.
This year, in the Session of the Supreme Council, the Florian Pittiș Prize for Culture was awarded to artists from different generations: 16-year-old Cristian Marian Șușu, winner of the National Ballet Olympics, MLNR Fellow and supported by the Scottish Rite to participate in the European Ballet Grand Prix in Vienna, February 2017, from where he returned with the Special Jury Prize and our brother Actor Constantin (Bobsi) Dinulescu, 33 ° for his entire and prodigious career in the service of Romanian theater. It is worth mentioning that Brother Bobsi Dinulescu, 33 °, returned to work in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, as a result of the direction in which the Rite is heading in the last two years.
Following the medical projects carried out in early 2016, the Scottish Rite Management Association took another step in this area and signed a Collaboration Protocol with the Social Protection Directorate of Sector 6 City Hall, on which the two institutions laid the groundwork for collaboration. development and operation of Sfântul Nectarie Medical Center, intended for socially assisted persons.
During the National Session, the space where the first Temple of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Romania will be arranged was presented. This space is located in the center of the Capital and has an area of over 400 square meters.
I announced that, for a better administrative organization of the Scottish Rite, I decided together with the members of the Supreme Council, the territorial reorganization into the Inspectorate of Subordinate Ritual Bodies. Each Inspectorate will comprise one or more Orientations and will be headed by a President of the Inspectorate, who will thus acquire the quality of Deputy Member of the Supreme Council, according to our Statute.
In the Session of the Supreme Council, we announced the issuance of membership validation cards, which allow the electronic reading of the status of its holder. In order to take possession of the cards, which will be handed in person, each member will have to fill in the last part of the electronic form, which he will receive by e-mail.
Stelian Nistor, 33 ° GC
- Il & PP Fr Stelian Nistor 33 GC
- PP&IL Frate Nikolaos Kilakos 33
- PP&IL Brother Spyros Camalakis 33
- PP&IL Brother Christ Maneas 33
- PR Fr Jean Pierre Pastor
- IL Fr Constantin (Bobsi) Dinulescu 33
- Cristian Marian Susu, European Ballet Grand Prix, Special Jury Prize
- PR Fr Radu Bălănescu, 33