Supremul Consiliu de Grad 33 și Ultim - Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România

Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree

of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania

The Golden Man of the Delta – Our Brother, Ivan Patzaichin

On September 8, the holy day that marks the birth of the Savior's mother, the unveiling of the bust of Ivan Patzaichin took place at, 3 years and 3 days (33) since...

The Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite from Romania, Il&PP Br Stelian Nistor, 33 °, ladies Georgiana and Yvona Patzaichin, Mr. Silviu Rahau, the mayor of Crișan Municipality, other local officials as well as a significant number of brothers were present.

"In this way, a time passed without Ivan Patzaichin was commemorated and his deeds were placed in history through this monument, which would remind the fact that in the kingdom of waters he was descended from the gods of old Dobrogea. I knew him well because he was more than a brother to me, connecting us above all, the Progress of Dobrogea. His face was carved by a Great Architect from the marble of great human qualities, firm, exuding an extraordinary will, strength and a majesty that only the heroes of Olympus have in the laurel frame of the victors. His incredible and exemplary victories that defied the human condition have been and will always be said. Ivan Patzaichin will forever remain a role model in world sports. I want to remind you, however, that he was a patriot with the vocation of deed and faith. He lived with the hope that the land of the Delta will be preserved and that the traditional resources will be exploited in the direction of a prosperous life for its inhabitants and for the development of Romanian sports.

The discipline that brought fame and gold medals to Romania does not even today have a sports base for high-performance training, and in the delta we cannot speak of such a thing due to the wind that changes the approval parameters. I traveled with Ivan to Szeged, Hungary, to observe a water sports course to build one for us. The project was not completed, but the desire to join us, with so many world and Olympic champions, among the advanced countries in the world of sports remained in my heart. His efforts and approaches to the authorities for the good of Romanian sport have remained in my heart, so that the athletes gathered from modest families in the country can assert themselves as performers.

At the local level, in Tulcea, he promoted reforming ideas for the people of the Delta and for the municipality of Tulcea. He was a man of virtue and a sage who made his charitable acts the means of manifesting his fraternal humanism. This is why we must bow in homage to this monument and tell the story of Ivan Patzaichin in all his greatness, the golden man of the Delta and exponent of the power to win for love of country and people.”

The bust, together with the museum monument in Mila 23 remain for eternity to remind the Romanian nation about the strong personality of our Olympic and world champion, about his moral beauty, about his harmonious character and about the mentality of a true fighter for the affirmation of the Romanian tricolor and the fame of the Dobrogean plains, of human harmony here and about the progress of Dobrogea.

The true honor we can pay our brother is to continue his projects and to take from the human model Ivan Patzaichin that beautiful bouquet of virtues that decorated his personality.

On this occasion, the distinguished guests were able to get to know the beauties of the Delta, the humanity of the Dobrogeans, but also the problems they face, discussing the ways in which the new Masonic movement can get involved in the progress of Dobrogea and continue the ecological, economic, cultural and sports of Ivan Patzaichin. The appreciations received from the Sovereign Grand Commander confirmed the chain of true union in our lodge and the quality of the work we carry out in the workshop. Thank you to everyone who was involved in the success of this historic moment.

Three Mighty Master of the Lodge Ivan Patzaichin no. 83 Valea Tulcea

Ceremonia dezvelirii bustului fratelui nostru Ivan Patzaichin

The ceremony of unveiling the bust of our brother Ivan Patzaichin


Ordinul DeMolay pentru Patriotism oferit Ivonei Patzaichin

The DeMolay Order for Patriotism presented to Ivona Patzaichin by Stelin Nistor

Mila 23 - Muzeul Ivan Patzaichin

Mile 23 – Ivan Patzaichin Museum

Doamnele Georgiana si Yvona Patzaichin si echipa muzeului

Ladies Georgiana and Yvona Patzaichin and the museum team

Doar cateva din trofee ...

Just a few of the trophies...

Medaliile mondiale, olimpice si Colanele olimpice

World, Olympic medals and Olympic necklaces

Muzeul Ivan Patzaichin

Ivan Patzaichin Museum

Primaria comunei Crisan

The town hall of Crisan commune

15 September 2024