A large-scale cultural project, the series of conferences of our Academy opened on Saturday, April 8, 2017, the “Amphitheater” hall of the Metropolis Theater in the Capital, through an interrogation: How do we use Culture? Exciting, difficult, pressing-current, the theme of the inaugural conference was given by prof. Univ. dr. Theodor Paleologu , ambassador, former Minister of Culture.
An excellent connoisseur of the classical Greco-Roman "world", as well as of the great modern European culture, the lecturer offered the participants an excursion in double key + aiming at both antiquity and modernity; and establishing significant "bridges" between the two "realms".
The colloquial style, the bonhomie of the exhibition, pigmented with fine ironies, wrapped like a "velvet glove" rigor information and directness of value judgments made with the “iron hand” of the one well-founded in the "matter" from which he draws his arguments.
The presentation lasted an hour - "after the clock", as Mr. Th. Paleologu… The discussions that followed, starting from questions - informed - of many participants, would practically double the duration of the meeting; so that, in the hallway and then in front of the theater, other - short but exciting - dialogues arise.
The actual conference was prefaced and closed by two speeches by the Sovereign Grand Commander - focused, allusively or explicitly, on some fundamental ideas, which animate, in the alternative or in sight, the actions of the Rite: our constitutive historicity, celebration of excellence, integration in the cultural economy of Romania.
The inaugural conference we just talked about was flanked by others two events :
- Festive concert on the occasion of the World Health Organization Day, Saturday, April 8, at 7 pm, at the Romanian Athenaeum
- The play “The Journal of Pleasure” by Claude Carrére, on Friday, April 7, at 7 pm at the Metropolis Theater, performed by the actors Cristina Răduţă Bobic and Marius Bodochi
Festive concert on the occasion of the World Health Organization Day
As always, in the last decade, the Orchestra of Physicians “Dr. Emil Nichifor ”celebrated WHO Day with a concert that included symphonic pages and areas of great popularity from operas.
The first part of the concert was dedicated to Beethoven - “present” with the overture “Edmont”, respectively with “Fantasy for piano, choir and orchestra” op.8, soloist: pianist Ana Nedelcu (Great Britain); The "Vox Medicalia" Choir, made up of medical students, gave its competition.
The second part opened with the overture "Eurianthe" by Weber, and ended with the symphonic suite "Peer Gynt" by Grieg.
Between these two "covers" of authentic vibration, soprano Silvia Micu and tenor Alin Stoica performed arias and duets by Gounod, Cilea, Puccini, Sorozabal, Verdi.
The orchestra was conducted by maestro Iosif Ion Prunner, having as first violinist prof.univ.dr. Mircea Penescu.
Each issue of the program was rewarded with long applause, which no longer requires comment.
The Sovereign Grand Commander and members of the Supreme Council were present at both events.
- The PP Fr Stelian Nistor
- Theodor Paleologu
- Theodor Paleologu
- Theodor Paleologu
- Theodor Paleologu
- Stelian Nistor and Theodor Paleologu