When things are done with a good heart, it is as if a magical covering protects them from all harm. This is what made the event in Suceava "overcome the bad", as one Brother said.
Between August 7 and 10, 2024, members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite who really came from all corners of the country, shared the honor and joy of being around Mr. Professor Ioan Aurel Pop, the President of the Romanian Academy, in a real cultural, sentimental and educational in our wonderful Bucovina.
The central event of these days was the academician's conference held outdoors, in front of over 350 participants, even (in his own way) in the Citadel of Suceava. The theme of this conference of the exceptional historian - generous, but also touching the sensibilities of our contemporary society, as an invitation to reflection - brought together over the centuries two reference names of Romanian history and culture: Stefan cel Mare and Mihail Sadoveanu. From this perspective, aspects unknown to the general public were revealed until now, but not at all dismissive, but on the contrary, with a fair and perfect approach. A delight!
"Values remain values regardless of human frailties and the wanderings of some people's private lives”, said among others - Prof. Ioan Aurel Pop.
Of course, throughout the days there were many emotional moments, full of brotherly love, as you can intuit from the photo gallery below. There was also a country evening in the Deep forest with "dance, training and good cheer", with choirs and a real gastronomic festival. There was also a lunch in the Dragomirna Monastery's Dining Hall with a unique character. There was also an exquisite celebratory closing dinner. It was all "with a good heart."
The unanimous conclusion: this is the standard of the Scottish Rite.
But perhaps the most appropriate way to describe the experiences of those days is to reproduce the message from one of the main organizers:
“Dear brothers,
With the help of God, we successfully concluded the last event of the RSAA in Romania, from a series started many years ago at the initiative of the Sovereign Grand Commander, PP & IL Bro. Stelian Nistor 33°, an event that started on Thursday at noon in the "blue" of Voronet, culminated with the Conference of the President of the Romanian Academy, Prof. Ioan Aurel Pop, in the Citadel of the Seat of Suceava, ending yesterday, Sunday evening, in the quiet St. Putna Monasteries, with a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift received in these days when Our Rite was, through each of us, up to the mark. I thank each of you, from all over the world, who through your participation contributed to the success of this beautiful event.
A bow and a word of appreciation to the team of Hospitallers who, with attention and empathy, gave the extra necessary for each individual participant, but also all together, to feel the warmth of the Bukovinians.
I thank you all and hug you dearly in the Fraternal Triple Acolada!
IPM of LP Iancu Cavaler de Flondor"
For those who want to listen to the conference of Mr. Ioan Aurel Pop, the President of the Romanian Academy, held in the Citadel of the Seat of Moldova, you have here a link.

The National Museum of Bucovina - The Siret History Museum - The Bucovina Jewish Holocaust Memorial

The National Museum of Bucovina - The Siret History Museum - The Bucovina Jewish Holocaust Memorial

The medieval Jewish cemetery - 1560 - one of the oldest in Eastern Europe

Deep – country party

Deep – country party

The conference of Academician Professor Ioan Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy

The conference of Academician Professor Ioan Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy

Dragomirna Monastery

Dragomirna Monastery

Dragomirna Monastery

Gala dinner

Professor Ioan Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy