Supremul Consiliu de Grad 33 și Ultim - Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România

Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree

of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania


Cina Mistică –  joi, 13 aprilie 2017

Mystical Dinner - Thursday, April 13, 2017

"Terra lucida" - says, somewhere, Andrei Pleşu - "it is bright earth and light incarnate. It is an intermediate land, an isthmus between the visible universe, of man, and the trans-human and trans-visual universe, of the celestial hierarchies ”. Let it be pure coincidence that the Brethren who have ...

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Conferințele Academiei RSSA din România

Conferences of the RSSA Academy in Romania

A large-scale cultural project, the conference series of our Academy opened on Saturday, April 8, 2017, the “Amphitheater” hall of the Metropolis Theater in the Capital, through a question: How do we use Culture? Exciting, difficult, pressing-current, the theme ...

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Sesiunea Supremului Consiliu din 25-26 Martie 2017

Session of the Supreme Council from March 25-26, 2017

We have promised that we will walk together on the path of dignity, honor, and pride in being a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania. We promised that this was the only way we could have the chance to join the gallery of honor opened by our illustrious forerunners. Chance...

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Punct și de la capăt

Point and start

Those who have reached the "third age" or those around them probably still remember this formula: with which the teacher signals to the students, at the time of "Dictation", the end of a paragraph and the beginning of the next ... How to say: compartmentalization and continuity: or, with ...

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Spring Festival

As we know, the year 2016 marked, along the way, some important events: - 135 years of documented existence of RSAA in Romania have been celebrated, which adds an extra mobility to the Masonic work carried out within the Romanian State modern; - Too ...

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Sesiunea anuală – Supremul Consiliu pentru Grecia

Annual Session - Supreme Council for Greece

Between January 21-22, 2016, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Romania and the President of the Conference of Sovereign Grand Commanders of Europe and Associated Countries, His Almighty and Illustrious Brother Stelian Nistor 33 °, GC together with the Lieutenant General ...

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Mesajul Suveranului Mare Comandor – 2017

The message of the Sovereign Grand Commander - 2017

The Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania, PP & Il Fr Stelian Nistor, 33º, addressed the following message at the beginning of the new year: We conclude together the 135th year of documented existence of the RSAA in Romania. This is the year that ...

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Academia Ritului Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România

Romanian Academy of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite

In a civilization like the modern one, which - says René Guénon - has developed in a purely material sense, and does not rely on any higher order, one of the most significant and bizarre phenomena, at the same time, is the prevalence of ideologies. ...

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