The Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania is concerned with promoting our defining symbols as Romanian Masons, followers of a universal creed, but with their own identity and history. In this sense, the decision was promoted as the music of ...
Interview given by PP & Il. Fr. STELIAN NISTOR, 33 of the Masonic Forum magazine
Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Rite of Scotland in Romania Stelian Nistor, 33, gave an interview Il. Fr. CLAUDIU IONESCU, 33, director of Forum Masonic magazine. We reproduce this interview as it originally appeared in the magazine mentioned above. ...
"Freemasonry during Communism", by Daniel Hrenciuc
The Supreme Council of the Romanian RSAA supports and promotes a new editorial. This time, the historian Daniel Hrenciuc under the title "Freemasonry during communism, Secret documents from the Securitate archives" capitalizes on a group of documents ...
"Jean Pangal, unpublished documents: 1932-1942"
The Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania welcomes a remarkable editorial event. RAO Publishing House published the volume "Jean Pangal, unpublished documents: 1932-1942: contributions to the analysis of historical social networks" under the signature of Bogdan Bucur, ...
Supreme Council administrative headquarters
Supreme Council new administrative headquarters: Bd. Pache Protopopescu no. 16, Floor 1, Ap. 4, Sector 2, Bucharest For the first time since its establishment, the Supreme Council meets in a specially arranged temple, located at the mentioned address. Secretariat offices ...
Renovation of a surgery room at Elias University Emergency Hospital
Considering that one of the roles of Freemasonry is philanthropy, the Supreme Council of the RSAA, at the initiative of the Sovereign Grand Commander, Il. & P.P. Fr. Stelian Nistor 33 °, decided to finance the renovation of a salon ...
The message of the Sovereign Grand Commander - March 2016
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania is a path for each of us: the path of dignity, honor and pride to belong to the greatest Rite in our country. We will go this way, and you and I, shoulder to shoulder, with the other brothers of ...
The Scottish Rite in Romania invests in the future - gymnast Roberta Mihaela Radu
The Supreme Council of the RSAA, understanding the importance of supporting Romanian performance sports, decided to allocate financial aid and support, during 2016, the gymnast Roberta Mihaela Radu, who will join the Romanian national team ....
The Supreme Council of the RSAA initiates the Ioan Atanasiu Delamare Award
To honor the memory of our brother who passed to the Eternal Orient during this year, the graphic artist Ioan Atanasiu Delamare, the Supreme Council of the RSAA, in collaboration with the Union of Fine Artists, awarded a prize to a young plastic artist, appointed by the ...
Supporting the families of brothers who have moved to the Eternal East
This program regarding the support of the families of the brothers who passed to the Eternal Orient began with a philanthropic action consisting in donating a sum of money to Mrs. Anda Pittiş, wife of the late Illustrious Brother Florian Pittiș 33 °, 1943 - 2007, Grand Inspector General of ...