Those who have reached or are “older” probably remember this formula: with which the teacher signals to the students, at the time of “Dictation”, the end of a paragraph and the beginning of the next… How to say: compartmentalization and continuity: or, in other words: differentiation and coherence.
In its primary simplicity, the formula - now out of school use - hides a prestigious genealogy: since, according to the Great Tradition, "the end of a world" is not and can never be but the "end of an illusion", an end The cycle includes - obligatory, I would say, - and the germs of its successor mult Moreover: disappearing as such, says Rene Guenon, the manifestation is reduced to the principle that generated it, and its end is, at the same time, " recovery ”by which (…) all things are restored to their“ primordial state ”.
In another aspect, let's call it "esoteric", because it is also in the spirit of the old doctrines, "Point and from the beginning" suggests spiraling which the act of initiation entails; or the act self-knowledge: equivalent, say the sacred texts, to the knowledge of God… Thus, horizontally, or in plan, the circle of knowledge closes when the curve that describes it reaches the “point” from which it started: exhausting, quantitatively, the object / domain taken into account; vertically, however, that is in space , curve - if animated by "jump" qualitative inherent in the initiation course - it crosses the “junction point” and takes it “from the beginning”: it opens to a new route: higher, even if only by a certain amount, to the previous one.
The potential circle thus becomes a spiral - which is what it means ascending duration, not "turnaround time".
On the eve of the National Session of March 25-26, I was talking about a celebration of spring… By nature, but especially by the spirit in which they took place, the events on the agenda confirm such a phrase - although the complexity of the "Odeon events" allows for other names (as well, if not more appropriate).
When it is true, a holiday is not suitable for "inner" Hierarchies - just as a good mother, worthy of the name, does not favor a child to the detriment of others (although, in life as in fairy tales, Prâslea is, nevertheless, the most loved). In the internal economy of a holiday, the emphasis shifts sometimes on one, sometimes on another of the elements that make it up; depending on the tension, the intensity, the emotional charge of the "moment".
Let me, however, allow myself to state that - subjectively speaking - Saturday, March 25, "focused" on initiation in grade 4 of 83 Romanian Masonic Masters, as well as of some Brothers from abroad… Fact with double significance, I think.
On the one hand, it attests to the indisputable prestige that, step by step, our Rite is gaining externally: marking, through a certain international openness / appreciation, its fuller, more active integration into the Masonic Chain. Universal.
On the other hand, my accent here falls, the 83 Brethren mentioned above represent the largest number of candidates initiate into one Session, from the last 24 years… In terms of statistics, this number doesn't tell me anything - statistics being, for me, a "science" that leaves you as it found you. What he means is the influx of freshness which, in the spring of its re-construction, is supposed to receive our Rite: with emotion, but also with expectations according to the major objectives set in the Supreme Council and synthesized by the Sovereign Grand Commander through an imperative "Get to work!"- I urge those who are willing to work to call to work and leave the" honorary ", the inactive, on the road.
As the saying goes, "Many are called, few are chosen." Or, in our own words: long-term perspective remains, if not alone, the main constant of any participation.
The letter sent on April 3 to all the Brothers of the Rite by the Sovereign Grand Commander makes a succinct and expressive "review" of the events that took place on March 25-26 at the Odeon Theater: revealing to each of them the importance, significance and, in particular, potential. For ascending duration which I was talking about supposes a sense (i.e. “direction” and “meaning”) according to which the “today” ones are not exhausted “tomorrow”; but, on the contrary, they are / include and seed ideas, with fruit-closed in the future.
I will not, therefore, refer to other events - repeating, superfluously, what has been said… In the same subjective "logic", adopted earlier, I will only state that initiation in grade 4, which took place on Saturday, naturally found its “pendant” in what, the next day, was consecration of three lodges of perfection: The Red Door, the first of its kind in the Principality of Monaco, The Rock from Cluj-Napoca, name adopted in honor of the Monegasque brothers, and Jean Pangal from Bucharest.
I believe that the two events, with their specific significance and each carrying their own emotional charge, have entered into symmetrical relationship because, for the 4-14 Brothers , dignity, honor and pride as a member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania.
At the risk of sounding excessive, I say that access to the High Degrees conferred by the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite leads to a treble "life"; or, more precisely, feelings: moral, intellectual, spiritual - possible to achieve, for the Freemasons, only in the Lodges of Perfection, in the Rosicrucian Chapters, in the Kadosh… Spiral Councils, ascending duration, gradual deepening in the arcana of the Search for the Lost Word.
- Il & PP Fr Stelian Nistor 33 GC
- supreme council