Supremul Consiliu de Grad 33 și Ultim - Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România

Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree

of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania

Canada welcomes the National Scottish Rite Session in Romania!

The 33rd Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Canada, by its most authoritative voice, that of Il. Fr. Robert S. Whitmore, 33rd Sovereign Grand Commander, sent a greeting message around the National Session of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Romania! In the letter there is another passage that we urge you to discover and judge for yourself.


April 28, 2022

P.Il. Fr. Stelian Nistor, 33 °
Sovereign Grand Commander
The Supreme Council of Romania

Dear Sovereign Grand Commander Stelian Nistor, 33 °

It is my great pleasure to convey to you and to all the Brethren of Scottish Rite in Romania, greetings and best wishes from the Supreme Council of the 33rd Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in Canada and all our Brethren of Scottish Rite. It is wonderful that you can organize a National Session of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania on May 7, after the long period of suspension caused by the pandemic and I am sure you are all very happy to meet again in person.

I would also like to express our admiration to you and your brothers, because you and your country are courageously providing extraordinary humanitarian aid to the many Ukrainian refugees seeking refuge in Romania. Rarely has our guiding principle of brotherly love been put to such a test as now, and by your actions and goodwill, we all demonstrate to the world and put into practice the values and high ideals that exist in our entire Freemasonry family and especially in Scottish Rite.

Congratulations, brothers. You can be proud of everything you do. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you, but especially in these very difficult times.

With brotherly love,
Ill. Bro. Robert S. Whitmore, 33rd Sovereign Grand Commander



April 29, 2022
Ritul Scoțian Antic Acceptat Canada