Between August 5-7, 2022, the Romanian Scottish Rite Celebration took place in Bucharest. Next, you have access to the message of the Sovereign Grand Commander, as well as an extensive photo gallery.
My dear brother,
As is already known throughout the Regular Masonic World, on July 28, 2022, in Asuncion in Paraguay, the Masonic diplomacy of our Supreme Council succeeded for Romania, for the first time in its history since 1881, in winning The Presidency of the World Conference a to the Supreme Council for a five-year term, starting from the XXI Edition, which will take place in Bucharest in 2025.
Moreover, a "bonus" of three years of Vice President is added, from now until 2025. One week after this unique event for us, the Supreme Council of the RSAA in Romania had as guests delegates of 22 Supreme Councils from 21 countries (from the United States of America both Jurisdictions were represented, both the Northern and the Southern Jurisdiction, i.e. the Supreme Mother Council of the World).
At the Odeon, on Saturday 6 August, the Conferring of the 33rd Degree took place and then, further, an Open Dress, the awarding of the "KCCH" Order in the presence of our Ladies. But, as stated PP and IL Brother James D. Cole, SMC of the Supreme Council Mother of the World in his message, the truly "historic" event was the Installation of the National Consistory "David A. Glattly", in the presence of the Sovereign Grand Commander of Past of the Northern Jurisdiction of the USA, David A. Glattly himself.
Open Attire:


Column from the South

Column from the North
Entry of Supreme Council Delegations

David A. Glattly

Thomas K. Sturgeon

Thomas K. Sturgeon & Stelian Nistor
Awarding the KCCH award

KCCH open outfit


Installation of the "David A. Glattly" National Consistory

The Master of Kadosh

Installation of the Consistory

Signing of the Decree

David A. Glattly & Stelian Nistor

David A. Glattly

Thomas K. Sturgeon & David A. Glattly
Gala Dinner