On Friday 13.01.2023 the Kadosh Council day was celebrated in accordance with the Statute and Regulation of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Romania. In Bucharest, the event was organized by CK Constantin Moroiu no. 19 and enjoyed the presence of a delegation of the Supreme Council. The whole evening was under the sign of the Knight Templar Prayer, presented in a sensitive tableau:
"Dear good,
Help me speak the truth to the mighty. Not to tell lies for the applause of the weak.
If you give me wealth, don't take away my happiness.
If you give me strength, don't take away my reason. If you give me success, don't take away my humility. If you give me humility, don't take away my dignity.
Help me see the truth on the other side of the coin.
Teach me to respect my Brethren as myself. Don't let me fool you out of pride, if I can. Nor in mad despair, if failure knocks at my door.
Help me see that failure can be the prelude to victory. Teach me what to forgive.
Forgiveness is the most powerful of all powerful feelings.
Revenge, envy and war are the reaction of the poor in spirit.
If you take away my power, let me keep hope. If you take away my success today, help me overcome failure. If I do wrong to people, give me the courage to ask for forgiveness.
And if someone wrongs me, give me the courage to forgive them.
Let me believe in my Brothers,
And let my feelings be pure. Let our principles remain Fraternal, in the Templar spirit,
And you, God, return us to the path of Brotherhood.
Dear good,
If I forget you, please don't forget me.
I said, Your unworthy Knight Templar!"

The celebration of the day of the Kadosh Councils - CK Constantin Moroiu no. 19 Bucharest