Supremul Consiliu de Grad 33 și Ultim - Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România

Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree

of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania

National Session of RSAA Romania, KCCH, 17 – 19 May 2024, Constanța

The National Session of RSAA Romania – KCCH is held only once a year.

This time it was held in Constanța and enjoyed a success whose echoes have not faded yet. The main organizers were the Brothers from the Ritual Bodies of the Călărași, Constanța, Tulcea and Iaşi Orients, with the support of some of the members of the Supreme Council. An impeccable, cursive and full of content development of a generous program was thus achieved.

Friday, May 17, 2024, at the "Ion Jalea" Sculpture Museum (1887-1983, Romanian Freemason) the start was given with the round table on the occasion of the launch in Romanian of the volume "Dialogues for Freemasons" by GE Lessing - Cartea Românească Educaçional Publishing House, having as guests Brother Vali Cacioianu and lect.univ.dr. Adriana Cȋteia (Faculty of History and Political Sciences, "Ovidius" University of Constanta).

The next moment had a special significance, at the statue of the great actor Jean Constantin. The monument was made by Illustrious Brother Răzvan Paul Mihăiescu, with the material support of our Rite. Jean Constantin was not a mason, but I thought that in gray times he managed to at least bring a smile to the faces of millions of Romanians. It is not necessary for all the people of Constanta or the tourists who come to Constanta to know that we, the members of the Scottish Rite from every city of Romania, brought him and we brought them this tribute portrait, it is enough that we know.

On the morning of May 18, 2024, the emotional awarding ceremony of the 14th Degree, "Perfectly Chosen", took place. Then, during the open National Session that followed, the Order of KCCH (Knight Commander of the Court of Honor) was conferred on some Brothers proposed for their activity in the service of the military-chivalric origin of the Rite. The speeches at the end of each of the ceremonies by each candidate were impressive.

According to tradition, the Open Session was also attended by lay guests, the families of the Brothers, friends, but also the usual delegation of DeMolay youth, together with the Executive Officer for Romania.

The National Session ended like every year with a fraternal meeting in a less formal environment, this time at a cherhana, enjoying the sea, the sun with a little wind and the best that Dobrogea can offer in culinary matter. We are still actively waiting for the reunion on the occasion of next year's KCCH conference, the place has not yet been decided...


Statuia actorului Jean Constantin

Statue of the actor Jean Constantin

Ceremonia de conferire a Gradului al 14-lea, Ales Perfect

The conferment ceremony of the 14th Degree, Ales Perfect

Cuvantul PP&IL Frate Stelian Nistor 33, GC la Ceremonia de conferire a Gradului al 14-lea, Ales Perfect

The Word of PP&IL Brother Stelian Nistor 33, GC at the 14th Degree Awarding Ceremony, Ales Perfect

Sesiunea deschisă de conferire a distincției Cavaler Comandor al Curții de Onoare în prezența familiilor și a tinerilor DeMolay

The open session for the awarding of the Knight Commander of the Court of Honor in the presence of DeMolay families and young people

Delegatia Supremului Consiliu al RSAA

The delegation of the Supreme Council of the RSAA

Conferirea distincției Cavaler Comandor al Curții de Onoare - KCCH

Award of the Knight Commander of the Court of Honor – KCCH


26 May 2024
Sesiunea KCCH Constanta 2024