Supremul Consiliu de Grad 33 și Ultim - Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România

Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree

of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania

Supreme Council of 33rd and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania


The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite was established in Romania, in 1881, under the Sovereign Grand Commander, Constantin Moroiu 33 °, just a year after the kindling of the lights of the National Grand Lodge of Romania, in 1880.

On 27th of December 1922, the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite of Romania, under the Sovereign Grand Commander Jean Pangal 33 °, receives the recognition of the Supreme Council of France, shortly afterwards, in 1925, receiving recognition from the Supreme Council (Mother of the World), Southern Jurisdiction of the United States.

Between 1948 - 1989, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania, along with the entire Romanian Freemasonry, is banned by the Communist regime.

On October 19th, 1993, in Washington DC, the Supreme Council of 33rd and Last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania is reconsecrated by the Mother Supreme Council of the World.

Nowadays, the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania is recognized by the majority of the Supreme Councils of the world and is led by MP & Ill. Bro. STELIAN NISTOR 33 °.

16 September 2016
Supremul Consiliu de Grad 33 și Ultim - Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România


Cu inimă bună…

With a kind heart…

Between August 7 and 10, 2024, members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite who really came from all corners of the country, shared the honor and joy of being around Mr. Professor Ioan Aurel Pop, the President of the Romanian Academy, in a real cultural, sentimental and educational in our wonderful Bucovina.