Covered in its vast dimensions, on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, the Temple at the Ramada Nord Hotel proved to be practically too small for all those who, responding to the call of the Sovereign Grand Commander, wanted to participate in this Masonic Training Outfit, this ( unique, we could say) training course - addressed, especially, to the Brothers who, at the last two National Sessions (December 2016 and March 2017), received the 4th degree… intellectual possibilities.
Strictly speaking, the event at Ramada Nord is in its second edition… novelty which you attribute lies in two aspects:
(1) initiative organization of such courses belongs topicality Sovereign Grand Commander - so in this respect, as in a few others, we cannot speak of any "precedence";
(2) The current edition was, it seems, more complex, more "full of core", compared to the previous one: naturally, since the Masonic Work specific to our Rite sits, more and more thoroughly, in its own path (and, when I say this, I mean both the Supreme Council and, consequently, the Subordinate Ritual Bodies).
Organized, therefore, under the coordination of the PP. and III. Brother Stelian Nistor, 33 °, the training outfit enjoyed the contribution, documented and significant, of three Illustrious Brothers:
Costin Cuneșteanu, 33 ° - Lieutenant Grand Commander, Dan Dumitrescu, 33 ° - Grand Herald, George Ivașcu, 33 ° - Grand Hospitaller. With an impeccable diction of ideas, the three spoke of: "The emergence of speculative Freemasonry in England and the High Degrees of Scotland in France"; on "The Transfer of Scottish High Degrees to the United States and the Birth of the Supreme Mother Council of the World"; about "Instruction", respectively, "Teachings of Grade 4".
To them was added the historian Bogdan Bucur, who, in a lively oral exposition, outlined a "Brief History of the RSAA in Romania" - highlighting the conjugation of the history of our Rite with the history of modern Romania.
This Masonic Training Outfit ended with a speaking of the Sovereign Grand Commander - in the framework of which was once again brought to the fore the significance of some events in the life of the Rite, with special emphasis on the last two National Sessions: which, as we know, marked separation of those "left behind" by non-participation; and, on the other hand, entering the Rite of a significant number of Masonic masters… In this order of ideas, PP and II. Brother Stelian Nistor 33 ° uttered two sentences that deserve to be recorded ad litteram: "The rite does not sell degrees and does not buy participation" - thus emphasizing the clear separation from certain "unorthodox" practices from the more or less recent past; and: "Just as any soldier carries the marshal's staff in his backpack" (an allusion to the fulminating military careers of Napoleon's time), "so every master mason who receives rank 4 is obliged to strive, through everything he does, to rank 33 and last ”.
The word of the Sovereign Grand Commander covered a rich palette of ideas… We have retained, here, only these because they trace the coordinates of our Work within the Rite: rigor and perspective. Or, as Brother Stelian Nistor likes to say: We are going forward!
Masonic Training attire was followed by a fraternal agape - rich in discussions, but also in various fruits of the earth.
- Training outfit
- Training outfit
- Training outfit
- Training outfit