A XX-a CONFERINȚĂ MONDIALA A SUPREMELOR CONSILII va avea loc în Asunción, Paraguay, în perioada 25 – 30 July 2022. În pregatirea acestui eveniment, Suveranul Mare Comandor al SC al RSAA al Republicii Paraguay, Il & PP Fr. JORGE A. GOLDENBERG, 33º, a trimis un mesaj cuprinzand detalii organizatorice. Aveti in continuare acest mesaj:
Asunción, May 19, 2022.
To the Sovereign Grand Commanders of the Supremes Counsels of our friendship and correspondence;
Dear And Illustrious Brothers, we write this letter hoping that upon your receipt you will be in good health, as
well as your families and the dear brothers of your Supreme Councils.
Powerful Brothers, due to the proximity of the XX CONFERENCE OF SUPREME COUNCILS, to be held in Asunción, Paraguay from July 25 to 30, 2022, we reiterate the following information:
1- The supreme regular Councils, registered and accepted until now, to participate in the World Conference, are the Supreme Councils that were invited and / or participated in the XIX WORLD CONFERENCE, held in Portugal in 2015.
2- The Supreme Councils that wish to participate in the XX WORLD CONFERENCE to be held in Paraguay, and have not participated in the previous World Conference, those who have a recent creation date, or who have a similar situation, must submit their founding documents, their sponsors and the application for participation endorsed by 5 (five) Supreme Councils recognized members of the World Conference of Supreme Councils.
3- Like the matters mentioned in the previous paragraph, any Supreme Council that has a particular request (change of name, change of date of foundation or similar) has the opportunity to request the consideration of the same at the next World Conference, where the subject will be treated accordingly.
4- These Supreme Councils must send their documentation to the respective Commissions (depending on what the request is) – with a copy to the Organization of the conference XXXXXXXXXXX – so that the Commissions give their opinion or opinion to all the participating Supreme Councils, meeting in plenary session, during the World Conference, those who will resolve each case.
5- The Illustrious Sovereign Grand Commanders, members of the Commissions, and their respective emails are as follows:
JAMES D. COLE (president) xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
JORGE LUIZ DE ANDRADE LINS xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
LEO TARONI xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
MOSHE BARBARAS xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
ALEJANDRO DEDOFF xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
HÉCTOR A. FARFÁN (president) xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
BOET DU PLESSIS xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
STELIAN NISTOR xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
SERGIO LAPENTE xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
RODOLFO DE LA TORRE xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
MANUEL ALVES DE ALMEIDA (president) xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
CARLOS SOTO CONCHA xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
GERNOT SOMMER xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
EBERHARD DESCH xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
NORBERTO ROSSINI xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
JESUS SORIANO CARRILLO (president) xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
HARUN KUZGUN xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
LIONELPEDRIQUE ORTA xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
JEAN CLAUDE CHATELAIN xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
GAÉTAN MENTOR xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
ROBERT S. WHITMORE (president) xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
DRAGOR HIBER xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
GUILLERMO CAMPAÑA AREVALO xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
SERGIUSZ CHADZYNSKI xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
MARIAN TÓTH xxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
We hope that your communications with the various Commissions and the organization of the World Conference will be effective and successful.
We take this opportunity to greet the Illustrious and Powerful Sovereign Grand Commanders with the triple fraternal embrace.
Sovereign Grand Commander