by adminSCAASR | Mar 9, 2016 | News, Scottish Rite and the World
The Supreme Council of the RSAA, understanding the importance of supporting Romanian performance sports, decided to allocate financial aid and support, during 2016, the gymnast Roberta Mihaela Radu, who will join the Romanian national team ....
by adminSCAASR | Mar 9, 2016 | News, UAP Award, Scottish Rite and the World
To honor the memory of our brother who passed to the Eternal Orient during this year, the graphic artist Ioan Atanasiu Delamare, the Supreme Council of the RSAA, in collaboration with the Union of Fine Artists, awarded a prize to a young plastic artist, appointed by the ...
by adminSCAASR | Mar 9, 2016 | News, Scottish Rite and the World
This program regarding the support of the families of the brothers who passed to the Eternal Orient began with a philanthropic action consisting in donating a sum of money to Mrs. Anda Pittiş, wife of the late Illustrious Brother Florian Pittiș 33 °, 1943 - 2007, Grand Inspector General of ...
by adminSCAASR | Mar 8, 2016 | About us
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite from Romania is the oldest Rite in our country, appeared 135 years ago, a rite that aims to promote human and spiritual values, both among its members and in civil society. Supreme Council of the Ancient Scottish Rite...
by adminSCAASR | Mar 8, 2016 | Historic
The Supreme Mother Council of the World is considered to be the Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. On May 31, 1801, a Supreme Council was formed in Charleston under the auspices of the Great Constitutions, which absorbed the Rite of Perfection and which, ...