
Letter from Asuncion – 20th World Conference
The 20th World Conference of Supreme Councils of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite held from July 25-30, 2022 in Asuncion, Paraguay ended with the adoption of a joint letter signed by all the Sovereign Grand Commanders present - The Letter...

The world conference in Bucharest in 2025 – echoes in the press
Mediafax, the first and most important independent press agency in Romania, about the Ancient Scottish Rite and Accepted from us: Mediafax (Bucharest, August 17, 2022): Masonry in Romania, triple world record Romanians are respected in the world in these.. .

News from the World Conference of Supreme Councils – Paraguay
News from the 20th World Conference of Supreme Councils of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite – Paraguay

Celebration of the Summer Solstice, Rome, June 10-11, 2022
Between June 10-11, 2022 in Rome, a delegation of the SC of the RSAA in Romania led by SMC PP and Il Frate Stelian Nistor, 33 ° participated in the invitation of the SC of the RSAA Italy, to the Summer Solstice Celebration Outfit. The event was attended by 24 Supreme ...

The 20th WORLD CONFERENCE OF SUPREME COUNCILS will be held in Asunción, Paraguay, from 25 to 30 July 2022,

National Session of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania - May 7, 2022
The National Session of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Romania on May 7, 2022 was, as always, a new success. After the break caused by the pandemic, this event turned out to be another magical moment of reunion and working together for the members of the Rite ...

The message of the Sovereign Grand Commander of Easter, 2022
As every year, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania, His Almighty and Illustrious Brother Stelian Nistor, 33 ° addressed a message of joy and trust to all the brothers: Bucharest, on April 23, 2022 My dear Brother, .. .

"Mystical Supper" in the chapters of Rosa + Cruce
"The meetings on Holy Thursday are indispensable. A Knight of the Rosicrucian Cross, even if he is alone in a place, he must at least in Spirit, celebrate that day with his Brothers ... If a Brother travels and meets another Brother on the way, they are obliged to ...

Union Day - The Message of the Sovereign Grand Commander
UNION DAY - January 24, 2022 - The Sovereign Grand Commander addressed a message to members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania.

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Turkey - 160 years
On the evening of November 12, 2021, the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania, represented by the Sovereign Grand Commander, PP & Il Frate Stelian Nistor 33 ° and a delegation of 18 full members, participated on Zoom la. ..

Moldova Upland – in three (plus two) trips
Echoes of the action of SC of RSAA in Upper Country of Moldova.

Excerpt from the conference
Excerpt from the conference of Academician Professor Ioan Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy:

With a kind heart…
Between August 7 and 10, 2024, members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite who really came from all corners of the country, shared the honor and joy of being around Mr. Professor Ioan Aurel Pop, the President of the Romanian Academy, in a real cultural, sentimental and educational in our wonderful Bucovina.
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