Supremul Consiliu de Grad 33 și Ultim - Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România

Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree

of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania


PP si IL Fr Stelian Nistor despre Marea Unire de la 1918

PP and IL Fr Stelian Nistor on the Great Union of 1918

"We carry patriotism in our chests from birth, right here in the heart. From time to time, it pulsates more strongly and can only be seen concretely through our actions for the country. If it stops just talking, patriotism remains the rose without smell ”- PP & ...

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Ce NU este Masoneria?

What is NOT Freemasonry?

On channel 33, during the show People and Books, PP & Il Stelian Nistor, Il Vasile Zecheru and Mr. Sorin Lucaci discussed “What is not Freemasonry? ”

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Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat în Turcia – 160 de ani

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Turkey - 160 years

On the evening of November 12, 2021, the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania, represented by the Sovereign Grand Commander, PP & Il Frate Stelian Nistor 33 ° and a delegation of 18 full members, participated on Zoom la. ..

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140 de ani de existență a RSAA în România

140 years of RSAA existence in Romania

The message of the Sovereign Grand Commander Stelian Nistor, 33 ° on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the RSAA in Romania "For evil to triumph, it is enough for good people to do nothing!" Brother Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Ancient Scottish Rite and ...

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Aniversare 5 ani – Supremul Consiliu al Slovaciei

5 years anniversary - Supreme Council of Slovakia

The Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Slovakia will celebrate its 5th anniversary on September 18, 2021. Despite efforts to physically organize this holiday, health priorities, the potential risk of travel restrictions and especially ...

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Sărbătoarea Ordinului – Supremul Consiliu al Franței

Feast of the Order - Supreme Council of France

The Supreme National Council of France will organize again this year the traditional Feast of the Order between December 10-11, 2021. The letter of the Almighty Sovereign Grand Commander Christian Herve inviting to this event the Supreme ...

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140 de ani de existență a RSAA în România

PP&IL FR interview Stelian Nistor given Aleph News

To watch the interview click on the title written in blue: Stelian Nistor: "Freemasonry, closer to the truth" Mediafax, Bucharest, 09.08.2021 - Stelian Nistor, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Romania, answered his questions. ..

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