Supremul Consiliu de Grad 33 și Ultim - Ritul Scoțian Antic și Acceptat din România

Supreme Council of the 33rd and Last Degree

of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Romania


Mediafax: Masoneria română iese din izolare

Mediafax: Romanian Freemasonry comes out of isolation

  Mediafax, Bucharest, 04.01.2021: A world premiere event held online has become a Romanian success High quality international participation, with an extremely clear message Romania will take over the presidency of the World Conference of Scottish Rite, at ...

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Mediafax: Masonii români şi-au suspendat Marele Maestru. De două săptămâni

Mediafax: World Freemasonry, reached a Romanian crossroads

      Mediafax, Bucharest, 18.05.2020 - For many, Freemasonry is a secret and mysterious organization, predestined to feed all conspiracy theories. The Masons themselves define it as a "discreet" organization. The current conflict between the structures ...

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